Facebook Advertising: The Best Strategy To Drive New Clients Into Your Funnel Every Single Month

Written by John Buckley
Can we get real about this? 


It might not win me any friends, but it has to be said…

No matter your personal feelings towards Facebook, if you own a business in 2019 - the party is on Facebook.

How big of a party?

Well, the number of social media users worldwide in 2019 is 3.484 billion, up 9% year-on-year.

Do ya think there might be some cash in there?

There is.  I know it.

Right now, we are seeing more 2 comma club ( ≧ 1,000,000) funnels created, making businesses a ton of money.  And, they are driving most of their traffic from Facebook.

However, there’s a catch. Most coaches, consultants & course creators see the user numbers and dive headfirst into Facebook advertising.

They run a few ads. See scant results. And, then, abandon the enterprise out of complete frustration.

After all, who wants to spend money on Facebook advertising only to help Zuckerberg buy another private island? Not me.

However, all is not lost. Facebook advertising done right can drive a ton of new prospects into your business. I’m going to share with you one of the biggest keys to make your social media marketing 10x more effect.

It begins with your mental framework.

One of the biggest changes I make immediately when working with a new client is to adjust the mental framework for how to view marketing campaigns and Facebook advertising.

In virtually 100% of the new clients I on-board, their current marketing strategy is very “I” centered. In other words, the consultant talks about their experience, or their reviews, or how good they are at helping clients.

That’s all good and well. The future client should know those things about you...eventually.

However, you should first address your target markets core motivations.

The truth is most people DON’T want to hire a coach or a consultant. And they most certainly aren't eager to buy another online course. Go figure. But, don’t take it personally...most people don’t want to hire a direct response copywriter and high-level marketing strategist either.

What people are really interested in are solutions.

This means your campaign must be framed within the broader context of selling a solution.

Your future clients are in an undesirable “current state” and they desperately want to move to their “desired state.”

Your services? Well, they are the vehicle that can take your future clients from their current state to their most sought-after and cherished desired state.

You are not selling real estate investing services, or 1-on-1 coaching or, even, group coaching. You are selling clients Result X.

Your offer needs to slip your services in between those two states and convince the prospect to take action.

The X is what you need to nail first. How do you do that? By asking these questions…

What is the number #1 thing your clients desire the most? What is the #1 thing they fear the most?

How to [desired state] without [#1 thing they fear the most].

Let’s go out in left field and grab a random industry. How about bankruptcy attorneys? What does a bankruptcy client desire the most? A lawyer? Heck no! They want to know this...

How to get a financial FRESH start as quickly as possible without losing EVERYTHING in the process and being straddled in debt up to your eyeballs for the foreseeable future.

Once you are able to frame your marketing with the prospects desired state in mind (adding in a little of what they fear), you will see a ton more engagement and new leads purchasing your offer.

From here on out, you should take special note when talking to a new client. You probably already know the answers to the above questions, but you’ve been doing this so long you might not even notice it. You’re on autopilot.

What’s the first thing a client says to you? What do they worry about the most?

Voice-of-client data is HUGE. It can make or break a Facebook campaign.

After that...it’s all about running split tests and using Facebook’s algorithm (the smartest on the planet) to churn out your ideal client day-after-day!

(Keep an eye out for future posts...I’ll cover split tests and Facebook’s algorithm.)

John Buckley
I help Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators acquire high-ticket clients- Every. Single. Month.

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